understaffed & overworked

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Understaffed & Overworked

You arrive to work by seven and you’re only given an hour and thirty minutes to make sure the needs of over fifteen people are met. How do you decide who receives a bath before breakfast and who has to wait? Are you being neglectful for deciding one over another? Due to the economic downfall and the increased demands of works needed in medical field, many medical facilities have cut their staffing to balance cost in budgets. Patients can no longer be given full care because of the lack staffing. This has made many people change their minds about becoming nurses. Job openings are posted daily for nurses due to many quitting because of the burnout from over working. In order for the work load to be better for the nursing staff a law must be put in place that requires that nurses will not receive a high number of patients to be all cared for at one time.

Nurses began as private care workers. They normally worked in the home setting with one patient at a time (John M. Welton). Nurses set their own hours as well as pay. At that time, nurses were dedicated to only one patient, therefore they could see to the success of the patient receiving adequate care. Proceeding, World War I, hospitals became more popular. The nurses in the hospital setting were students who worked for free. The cost for patients to be in the hospital at that time was similar to the price of a motel rooms. After World War II, technology became more advance and hospitals were able to offer more services than a private pay nurse (John M. Welton). More specialized heath care was introduced such as the intensive care and cardiac unit (John M. Welton). More technology was purchased to help bring the level of care to a new height. With all ...

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... receive great care until a change is made. The facilities may fine having staffing at a minimum as a great profit but it looses in so many other areas.
Our medical facilities are great places when they follow guidelines to promote healthy living and great patient care. Its one thing to say that your following them but another to actually implement them. It makes the living environment for the patients much better. To receive the best care possible the Patient to Nurse ratio must be taken into affect immediately. Patients will not receive the adequate care they need until then. Personally knowing the ends and out of what goes on in a medical facility this law is the best thing for all facilities. The patients benefit the best from it as well as the nurses. Nurses no longer will be burning themselves out. If you want things to change you have to help make a change.

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