technology and security in africa

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Security and Technology in Africa
Technology is the improving of tools, machined, systems, gadgets and organization methods to provide solution to a problem to achieve a desire or better ultimatum. Examples include the advancement of the call box to emergence of smart phones in this digital era.
Security on the other hand is protection from harm and destruction. Security applies to vulnerable and valuable assets. These could be people, property, organization or a country. Security is a form of protection where a barrier exists between the assets and the threat.
Security and technology has over the years been overlooked by several African governments till recent years where we see African countries putting strategic investment in technology to offer solutions to overcome threats to security.
We discuss and explain how technology and security correlate. Technology is vital to both terrorism and counterterrorism. Though the approach by the two differ in that governments view technology as a decisive advantage against terrorism while terrorist groups like Al Shabab use technology ...

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