taste what you smell?

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Has anyone ever told you to pinch your nose while eating something unappetizing? Or have you ever had to take medicine that tastes bad, so you decided to pinch your nose? If so, the reason why it worked is that what we smell can affect what we taste and how we taste it. Our sense of smell is a significant part of what we taste. We can tell whether or not we like the food just by the way it smells. Some people might wonder, how do we use our nose to smell? How do we use our mouth to taste? What part of the brain is responsible for detecting and interpreting smell? How important is smell to the ability to taste? Many people have thought about at least one of those questions. Using our sense of smell to taste food can undoubtedly affect how we taste. When we want to smell something, we always use our nose. Usually, people sniff when they use their nose to smell. The reason we can smell through our nose is that on the top of our nasal passage, there is a layer of neurons. A neuron is a cell that carries messages between the brain and other parts of the body.

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