poem essay

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Poems are meant to give one an experience or emotion that will have lasting effects on the reader. To create this experience or emotion authors use poetic devices that gives impact to the poem. In the poem Still I Rise by Maya Angelou, she uses the poetic device imagery, repetition, and figurative language to show her feelings of bitterness, but also create the theme of overcoming or rising above. Maya Angelou was an African American poet who grew up in a time when there was a lot of discrimination towards African Americans and especially the African American women. Because of this she had to deal with a lot of hate and discrimination towards her through most of her life. When she began to write poems most of them were centered around racism and how she overcame that time of her life. Angelou is able to use poetic devices in her poem Still I Rise to express her bitterness and the theme of her poem, overcoming.
Maya Angelou uses the poetic device, imagery in her poem to express her feelings of bitterness and overcoming in a way that other poetic devices couldn’t. Imagery is a clear description of something and it is meant to leave a lasting image in the mind of the reader. Angelou use of imagery in her poem Still I Rise is to help the read have a clear description and image of how she was treated and how she was able to overcome and rise above that struggle. Imagery is shown in her poem by her saying,”You may tread me in the very dirt/ But still, like dust, I'll rise.” This is meant to create an image of being treated unfairly, or rudely in the readers mind, but also to be sure that the reader sees how she was able to overcome as she says in the line, “…like dust, I’ll rise.” Maya Angelou was treated very poorly growing up and...

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... Angelou uses figurative language to express both the theme and experience in the poem, that of bitterness and then being able to overcome.
In incorporating these poetic devices into Maya Angelou’s poem she was able to convey the experience of the poem, that is the experience of overcoming and rising above while also being able to express her feelings of bitterness. In adding Imagery as well as figurative language into her poem she was able to paint a picture for the reader of the bitterness that she was feeling, and the theme of rising above or overcoming. Angelou incorporated the poetic device repetition into her poem to be sure that the reader received her theme of overcoming and rising above and to make known that she did overcome her trials. In using these poetic devices Angelou was able to get her theme and experience that she wanted express through her poem.

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