personalised medicine

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Personalized medicine through the development of modern methods of molecular biology offers application of a suitable drug to the appropriate patient at the right time. The vision of personalized medicine has begun in 1990’s when the molecular research and knowledge about proteomic, genomics and genetic testing escalated. Since then pharmaceutical com-panies, scientists and regulators needed to meet the challenges that the vision was bringing with. Right now “The era of personalised medicine is already upon us” In this paper I am going to discuss this new way of dealing with diseases including several issues which are im-plemented in this section of medicine, these are as follow:
• Individual variation and their implication in personalised medicine
• What is pharmacogenetics/pharmcacogenomic
• The goals and advantages of a personal medicine approach
• Proteomic and genomics – Bio-analytical techniques employed in phar-macogenomics research.

The traditional paradigm based on the physiology of the disease that is the search for a drug on the basis of visible symptoms is slowly displaced by a new approach. The goal of this new approach is to study the molecular mechanisms of disease and to identify the genes respon-sible for its creation. This molecular analysis of the disease make possible to develop precise drug acting on a specific target in addition a pharmacogenetic tests using before pharma-cotherapy will predict how a patient will respond to treatment. Such approach called P4 predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory revolutionizes the way in which medi-cine is practiced and affects the process of new drugs development (S. Jakka and M. Rossbach, 2013). So in modern medical practice disease diagnosis is support...

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...nosis of this disease, but the administration of Herceptin proved to effectively inhibit the activity of the receptor and thus lead to improved health status. Currently Trastuzumab is normally used in this type of breast cancer, but first this receptor overexpression must be identified to assure effectiveness of treatment because there are different receptors associated with different type of breast cancer such as BRCA1, BRCA2 or ER positive for which other treatment must be applied. As on the market are approved several drugs against breast cancer physician can perform pharmacogenetic test to determine which drug would best suit the patient. The same way of choosing adequate drug will be performed in other type of disease.
It is important that every genetic test must be validated before can be used, must be ap-proved and certified by the regulatory bodies as FDA.

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