oil industry

580 Words2 Pages

The main problems encountered by Mobil Oil were reduce costs and to improve the management layers. Issues that related to customer service included a lack of understanding of customer needs, poor business process and dysfunctional teamwork. Issues relating to employees were the personal development and reward/recognition systems. And to due with this, was created a project with the objective to redesign and simplify business activities and workflow. The major issues that emerged from the re-engineering project at the time were: - Lack of profit and customer focus throughout the organisation. - Poor communication to employees of the profit position. - Many functional barriers to an integrated operation (silo effect). - A very complex and unresponsive set of processes that did not meet the customer/organisation needs – a simple business made complex. - Ineffective management information characterised by excessive reporting. - Ineffective strategic planning and optimising. - Ineffective product forecasting. - Poor management of expenditures (inadequate ownership and control). - Unresp...

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