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All humans, presumably, are self-aware, conscious beings. This state of being has been the topic of thought for many philosophers and scientists for as long as we have realized that is a unique feature. One of the first to tackle the issue of mind and body was Plato, who founded the original hypothesis of dualism. Later his contemporaries expanded on the subject and altered it to form several variations including rationalism. All these theories try to combine the mind, body, physical and mental events into some sort of order that we can make sense of and to form a relationship in between the physical world and the unseen world
Plato postulated that the mind was not dependent on the physical body of a person. Meaning that the mind (or soul) should be regarded as separate from the physical part of a person’s being. This proposal is the ground work from which Descartes would expand his theory of the mind. Descartes established that the mind and body were two distinct things. He stated that the mind is a thinking and non-extended thing and the body a non-thinking and extended entity. Furthering on this idea, he suggests that because the mind is not a tangible object and does not exist in three space the mind must be a quality of the body, just as all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares. This connection is a contradiction because a square can only be a square if it is changed into a rectangle; the quality of the shape being a square is also gone. In contrast, a stone by itself can exist independently of all others without exact dimensions. For Descartes this meant that “God, if he chose, could create a world constituted by this stone all by itself, showing further that it is a subst...

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...time, speed, and variations that could occur then you catch the ball. This all happens without you realizing it hundreds of thousands of times a day for thousands of different tasks. I believe that mind and brain are different facets of the same thing. In essence that all phenomena that could be described as the mind have roots in physical processes. This would include consciousness and leave the possibility for life forms other than humans to possess the same trait. Whereas dualism, the way it is presented, leaves this possibility unacceptable because according the theories logic animals have no soul or mind but humans do, humans are also animals, we must be special therefore nothing else is. This would mean a loophole has been created for humans, presumably by God, to make humans above all other life. I, as a scientist, find that to be a hard concept to tackle.

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