fisherman and his wife

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After reading both “Fish out of water” and the “Fisherman and his wife” fairy tale one can easily see that the two stories have similarities. The most obvious being that both stories have fishermen in them. However these stories may have much deeper parallels to one another. In fact I think there is definitely a moral that both the “Fisherman and his wife” and “Fish out of water” have in common. First, I also believe that the “Fisherman and his wife” has more than one moral. The first and most unmistakable moral is not to be greedy because greed ultimately leads to nothingness and if you're not satisfy with what you have and count your blessings then you will likely never be satisfy with anything you will ever get. The second moral is that you should take the initiative and you choose what best for yourself and not always listen to what others tell you. The protagonist of both stories are also very similar. The fisherman in the “fisherman and wife” fairy tale is for a lack of a better word a pushover. He does everything is wife told him no matter how horrible and no matter how badl...

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