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Commercial surrogacy is a controversial topic that is being discussed all over the world between individuals and government. Both of these groups have examined the ethics of commercial surrogacy, one of the main issues they have the money being used for a child’s birth. Due to the fact that not a lot of people in the world agree on this methods, many countries have banded commercial surrogacy. Most of the United States and United Kingdom have banned commercial surrogacy.

Surrogacy is accomplished when one women carries and gives birth to a baby for a person or a couple who can’t carry a baby to term. The reason for this agreement or contract is because some women are unable to produce offspring’s and carry a baby. One of the most popular way a surrogate becomes pregnant is from the husband’s sperm, the sperm is implanted in the surrogate by artificial conception or vitro impregnation. There are two different types of agreements when finding a surrogate, the first one is commercial. Commercial surrogacy means the person who is carrying the child will get paid a fee plus any future expenses that might transpire in her pregnancy. The second type is altruistic, this means the surrogate is paid only for expenses that occurred during her pregnancy, she doesn’t know get paid for carrying the child to term (Pérez, 2010).
Utilitarian’s say if surrogacy brings more happiness to the people then it will maximize the good and happiness. Utilitarian’s believe whatever is beneficial to the greatest number of the people is considered to be good. They believe the greater the good is the greater number of people will be affected. If we looked at the ethical perspective, then surrogacy would be morally right, the surrogate mother is happil...

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...ice to continue with the process and if they get paid for their help. Surrogate mothers are not forced intro agreements, they don’t get manipulated into singing something they don’t agree on (Surrogacy, 2008). I feel like Andersons degrades women, she assumes they don’t have the psychological ability to choose what is right and wrong.
In conclusion, the subject of surrogacy can be very hard to understand. So many opinions are involved, beliefs and traditions, but in recent developments it has shown the option for commercial surrogacy is increasing. Having the ability to have a child is an amazing feeling, women all of the world suffer from getting pregnant so having a surrogate can make that dream come true. On the other hand, adopting could be an option as well. Our world has so many unwanted children in the world, it makes more sense to adopt then to procreate.

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