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Now a days, the quality of education has become a challenge that we must all take to compromise, and thus to implement the unique challenge of improving our quality of teaching, reflect on our experience and especially with our educational practice . Necessary starting point to star in a near future , with more open, innovative and meaningful teaching, all this based on the educational needs of each population.

So it is necessary to know and understand the proper concept of curriculum , the curriculum becomes a guide, order, change , planning, organization that aims to ensure the teaching-learning process . The curriculum incorporates the whole life of the school, involving issues such as values , knowledge, the school and its environment . It is also a construction of knowledge collectively performed with the dialogue and participatory work . Considering whether students and their educational environment . As required to have a clear political , philosophical, epistemological and methodological choices. "

Education is very serious, and because of that, the teaching professionals to be committed to social work they do , must have a purpose in their education acts and must reflect on the work they are undertaking on teaching practice and what 's best for the students , so shall explain the principles on which he based his educational experience , and I say experience because now there would be goals , goals to achieve , would be expectations , possibilities, hopes, would be the desire of teacher , a suggestion would be to know where to direct the educational activities, would be what the teacher can do and not what students should achieve.
In planning the curriculum , keep in mind that no single mode or curriculum model , this sh...

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...sor An adaptable to their conditions, flexible curriculum is precise change old pedagogical conditions and for this are not curricular changes enough level, you need hard work with faculty .
The inclusion of values in the curriculum and its implementation is a sick controversial issue that is just beginning to change in the curriculum design demanding profound changes in university and the role of teachers institution.
Include gender mainstreaming in the curriculum implies flexibility , diversification , changes in the design of the evaluation and greater congruence between the formal curriculum , the informal and hidden . the mainstreaming leads to greater integration between the university and different social institutions , from organizations to family and community undergoing a macro, so that find a school contents increasing overlap with everyday life outside .

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