couch potato

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There is a great amount of people in this world today that are neat freaks. When a person walks into a neat freaks home they will already see that from the way it is organized and put together. A person who is a neat freak will always have a clean house, dishes done, nothing laying around, smells good, and everything is top notch out together. There needs to be more people like this, because they would like to see the younger children take after that. When they get older they will understand how to keep a nice clean home. Couch potatoes are unorganized, irresponsible, and unhealthy.

As a result, when being a couch potato it is nothing exciting. It is actually unorganized in many ways. Such as, poor hygiene, when a person has poor hygiene it makes it bad for everyone. No one is going to want to be around them, they will smell, look dirty, and even scary. Also, being unorganized will also make the couch potato not get up and clean the house, which can be dangerous to have a messy house. It is unsanitary and they will never know what could be laying around in that mess, wh...

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