coco chanel

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Back in the 1920’s, men dominated fashion. Men chose what clothing women wore and men’s fashion choices for women were tight and uncomfortable. Women wore corset tops and long skirts. There was no clothing, for a woman that was comfortable and easy to move in. Then a designer named Coco Chanel began to design women’s clothing. She saw clothing as a fashion statement, not just something to please men. Through her choice of fit and fabric, Chanel sought to create designs that allowed women freedom of movement and choice (Biography).
Gabrielle (Coco) Chanel was born August 19, 1883, in Saumur, France. At a young age, Chanel’s mother died, leaving her with her father. Her father couldn’t be a peddler and care for a child, so he placed her in an orphanage to be raised by nuns. While she growing up in the orphanage, she learned how to sew, which later led to her fashion career. Before Chanel became a designer, she had a brief career as a singer (Biography). During her time as a singer, Chanel got the nickname Coco. Coco is the short version of cocotte, the French word for ‘kept woman’ (Biography).
Chanel used Etienne Balsan, a wealthy military office, and Arthur ‘Boy’ Capel, an English industrialist, to help her on her fashion venture (Biography and She drew on the resources of these patrons using them to help her accomplish her goals. In 1910, Chanel opened her first millinery shop and sold only hats ( Her first clothing success came from a dress fashioned out of an old jersey on a chilly day. During that day, many people asked her where she got her dress, and she offered to make one for them (Biography). Chanel added stores in Deauville and Biarritz and began making clothing (Biography). She had relaxed fa...

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...he Church of Madeleine. At her funeral, many mourners gathered to say farewell (Biography). Many of them wore Chanel suits to pay tribute to her and her designs. A little more than a decade after Chanel’s death, designer Karl Lagerfeld took the reins of Chanel’s Company. Today her company still thrives (Biography).

Works Cited

"Coco Chanel " . N.p., 1 Jan. 2014. Web "Coco Chanel Biography." A&E Television networks LLC, 1 Jan. 2014. Web Druesedow, Jean. "Chanel, Coco ." World Book . ed. 2007. Print melby, leah. photograph of Coco Chanels head sideveiw. 2012
Pettinger , Tejvan . "Coco Chanel Biography." N.p., n.d. Web

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