chloes papaerr

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In Ancient Greece, the culture and daily life was based on mythological tales. These stories told tales from slaying a gorgon to going to the underworld to visit Hades; lord of the underworld. In many epics there was a hero born from noble birth, who went on adventures as far as the mythological underworld. Perseus from the epic Perseus, was a hero, more hero than any other Grecian man. He met all 9. "Epic Hero" criteria, but the three that really stick out, is he was born from a noble birth, he had slain a gorgon(Medusa), and he had slain Medusa out of pride and poverty. Perseus met all these criteria in a way no other hero does from an epic.
Perseus was born, not only from the ancestry of a grandfather as king, but he was an offspring from Zeus, God of Gods and Goddesses. This meets the first criteria to be an "Epic" hero. As being born from royal parentage, he also was born from Zeus. As King Acrisius of Argos traveled to Delphi to ask the priestess if he would father a son, he found news far worse; Perseus, his unborn grandson would murder him. With fear he locked his daught...

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