child neglect

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The domains explored in this qualitative study help provide a wider, general understanding of the children’s broad ideas and assumptions about neglect of children. The researcher follows an interview guide consisting of specific questions addressing the domains to be explored, with probing questions used where appropriate to explore responses in more depth. Many qualitative studies use Ice-breaker activities to help children enter the theme of the study more easily (Harris, Doyle and Greene, 2011). Asking the children to draw a picture or write down the members of their family and taking time to interpret the result would ease them into the study.
This study is designed to explore children’s broad ideas and assumptions about neglect of children. The study is not designed for use with children who have directly experienced neglect. Early studies found that neglect is associated with the lowest academic achievement levels, lower than those of abused children (Eckenrode et al., 1993; Wodarski et al., 1990 as cited in Hildyard & Wolfe, 2002). Using this information, the selection of children can be based on their academic achievements, that is, only children with high academic achievements should be proposed as participants as they are less likely to be neglected. Also, the school should provide any information in regard to those referred to any kind of counseling or special needs treatment so that those children can be dropped from the sample. The children included in the study should have between 9 and 11 years old and come from a variety of backgrounds in terms of family structure and socio-economic status.
A recent large scale qualitative longitudinal study had taken place in Ireland (Harris et al., 2011). 9 year olds were asked...

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...the interviewer should consider individual differences and cultural influences on children’s behavior (Punch, 2002 as cited in Gibson, 2012). As people become increasingly aware about child neglect and its damaging effect the responsibility to develop effective treatment and prevention programs grows. In order to develop such programs more meta-analyses and longitudinal studies are needed. David Finkelhor (ISPCAN, 2013) agrees that meta-analyses are hard to develop because of the range of different definitions of child abuse and neglect. Furthermore, it is impossible to study any regional differences in potential meta-analyses as long as contextual factors (e.g. culture, religion) have not been taken into consideration seriously. Finally, he believes that creating proper guidelines and standard definitions would increase the comparability of research (ISPCAN, 2013).

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