capital punishment

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At the began as we know the capital punishment is the most popular problem in our world in these days .Meaning of capital punishment is killing someone who killed another one Regardless of whatever reasons, moreover in our life there are several reasons which push killer to do this mistakes .Now in many countries and stasis use this the penalty for justice, on the other hand there are some countries do not use capital punishment for many reasons .For example , they said we have to respect human rights due to put the killer in jail forever ,in additionin some other parts in our world use this Punishment to get a justice as Saudi Arabia ,Iran ,China and USA. Some of the religions tell us to do this Punishment because God's law of the land as Islam, overtime some religion do not use this punishment as Buddhism."The death penalty has been part of human society for millennia, understood to be the ultimate punishment for the most serious crimes". At this point we understand the capital punishment is the biggest mistake and the most serious that cannot be forgiven. The death penalty represents a controversial issue in some cultures.The argument of the supporters of the death penalty in that it deters crime.
First of all. The history of capital punishment started in the past not from these days, in the past death was for who Forestallsthe people and scare them and rob them in Afghanistan. Moreover in Islamic states were requiring sexual offenses such as rape, adultery, incest, homosexuality, the death of the perpetrator.""Muslim countries vary in the extent to which they practice capital punishment, though all retain it at present Islamic countries that practice a very strict Sharia law are associated with the u...

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...ishment because it unhuman and uncivilized .Thus, they are some countries still use this capital punishment unfortunately more than past as in Saudi Arabia and Iran. Overtime, the capital punishment was found in the past and also still in present days for that many of organizations try to cancel this to prevent in the future. As well as, the capital punishment has a lot effect in our social life, for example, disintegration of families and psychological problems. The way of this punishment was and still talking people, especially in some countries dictatorship as chine .In china they are using shot to implement this punishment, thus a lot of people say this way is too awful and inhumane for whatever reasons.

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