bronze age religion and its effects on homer

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When most people consider the Iliad and Odyssey, religion does not come to mind but; In fact, without bronze age religion these stories would not exist as we know them. The validity of homers exists as a person, group of people or fictional character. Would these stories carry the same positive morals as they would without a religious influence. If not would they be as important to Greek culture as today.
There has been many debate on when exactly the bronze age took place, most dates were close together but still different. We do know for sure that the bronze age came before the iron age but after the stone age. Though we do not know the exact dates of this period, we still have enough evidence to suggest it is between 3,000 BCE and 1,000 BCE. Like most time periods, the bronze age can be divided into a early, middle and late age. During the bronze age their was many cultures celebrated or taken part in; such as, aegean and mainland culture. Most of these cultures were alike and different in many ways. The main thing that made these cultures alike was their belief in their gods. During the bronze age, the people had really strong beliefs in the Greek gods; such as, Poseidon is the "God of the Sea". If someone was going on a long boat journey across the sea, they would pray to Poseidon for safe travels. This is not much different then what happens today. Even though, we do not pray to the Greek gods for healing, we do pray to our gods for pretty much the same things.
During the bronze age, the religion was not very different then what it is today. People believe in their god and worship them without any care as to what others thought. Most people believe what they were raised to believe; For example, someone raised in a cathol...

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...ouldn't have as much affect as they did in the bronze age. This is because in this day in time most people don't really believe in Greek gods. This was so popular back then that it became a norm for Greek literature.The Greeks believed homer was the godfather of their national culture.
Surmising from the facts in this essay it ca be said that without bronze age religion homers stories would be very different if they even existed at all. the theory that homer was multiple people can even further show how far the effects of religion have on a culture because if he was in fact multiple people then "they" were all influenced by the same religion and culture. religion can be a controversial topic when being compared to fictional writings but the effects of religion spread deep into every aspect of a culture including writing so a cultures authors should be no exception.

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