analysis on portrait of a lady

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In ''Portrait of a Lady" music becomes one of the factors of attachment. Part one is beginning with contemptuous allusions to "the latest Pole" who broadcasts "the Preludes, through his hair and finger-tips." The dialogue of the piano performance of Chopin, "so intimate," transforms to "attenuated tones of violins" and "remote cornets" as the lady speaks. When the poem goes back to the voice of the man, those noises have been changed to flat "windings of the violins" and "cracked cornets." These not so positive attributes go on as he explains his ideas in the musical metaphors of a "dull tom-tom," "Absurdly hammering a prelude," "Capricious monotone," show the woman's voice has the displeasing, "out-of-tune," resemblance of a "broken violin." Eliot repeats "always”, “sure” and “feelings” to render this urge. As well as the "street piano," like the man's self-worth, is "mechanical and tired," it is no longer authentic, it will solely repeat "some worn-out common song." Eventually the music finishes, it ends with a "dying fall." Much like Eliot's early poems of social personalities, Portrait of a Lady broadcasts scenes of a lady in her small world. Even though the word portrait is in the title, the poem does not include a full picture of the lady. In fact, it only shows elements, the artist chose to illustrate. The title mentions an observer, and it is in fact, a man who gives his perception of the woman and shares moments from his finite perspective. This is best shown due to the reason that only a fragmented discussion instead of a continuous tale. In the first part of the poem it starts with “smoke and fog of a December afternoon”, then once in the second section it is said that the “lilacs are in bloom”. “October night”, men... ... middle of paper ... ...uses in, “Portrait of a Lady”, the eulogy ties the readers with an entire monastery of women’s deaths. “The ‘atmosphere of Juliet's tomb’ ties this poem to the tragic misunderstanding and death found in ‘the tradition’ of Shakespeare; in the external world, a ‘Greek was murdered;’ the lady speaks of a ‘buried’ history and alludes to her own death since she is one ‘about to meet her journey's end’”.(cite) When it comes to the man thinking of her death, at the end, is when he ponders how that result would ultimately influence him. “However, the central death of "Portrait" is that of the faltering relationship between the two” (cite). Works Cited Salzmann, S. Early and Late: Eliot Changes Style "Portrait of a Lady" and "Hollow Men". Undergraduate Review, 3, 10. Retrieved April 26, 2014, from

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