Zero Tolerance Research Paper

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Tim Funk In schools, teachers need to find a way to create and maintain a safe learning environment. Schools have a duty to keep students safe. Teachers find it challenging to maintain this environment when some students do not follow rules that are designed to keep both the teachers and students safe. In an effort to keep students safe, a policy of zero tolerance has has tried to help maintain this environment. Zero Tolerance is a policy in which it does not matter why a rule was broken or what the story was just that the rule was broken. This is thought to keep students safe, because the student breaking the rule will be punished and can be removed from the school so that the safe learning environment of the school is maintained. Many schools …show more content…

Punishment is consistent for each and every student for every single policy violation. All that matters is that the rule was broken. It does not matter who the student is or why the violation occurred. Punishment can be more consistent. All students will receive identical punishment for identical infractions. Students will be prepared for the real world. When a law is broken, people are punished for their crime and not for the reason they committed the crime. The punishment will always be fair and equal for every student that breaks the rule, regardless of the …show more content…

This allows teachers to focus much more on teaching and to focus less on maintaining classroom control. This gives teachers the ability to focus on meeting the individual needs students instead of trying to correct the behavior of individual students. Zero Tolerance punishments are fair and consistent. The punishment will ideally match the infraction committed. Harsh punishments may discourage students from breaking school rules. On the other hand, the harsh punishments such as suspension and expulsion have resulted in greater dropout rates. Zero Tolerance policies are not always fair and consistent. This is especially true in the African American and Hispanic communities. Minorities are more likely to get expelled and suspended than non minority students. Zero Tolerance policies have created an opposite effect than their original intent by preventing the creation a safe learning environment. The policies tend to create a less conducive environment to learning the more they are implemented. Some mentally disabled students have experienced legal troubles for minor offenses, when they can not control how they act. Both relaxed policies and Zero Tolerance policies are not good, but schools need to decide for themselves how they are going to keep students safe and create a conducive learning

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