Zeitoun: My Response To Social Justice

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After reading Zeitoun, my response to social justice is that it does not exist in certain extant. If we are looking at social justice in the big picture, it is a great thing to talk about social justice as if there was some imaginary balancing point at which such equality could be reached. However, in reality social justice does exist. It just being understood to those who it matters the most. For those whose lives are privileged, they would not want to know because they only hope for their own success to last forever. If social justice means everyone deserves equal rights, political, social and economic opportunities we define it, then why the government did not take control and save those in greatest need. They were too worried about judging others like Zeitoun and putt them to jail instead of worrying about their own …show more content…

Seeing Zeitoun; the man who volunteered to help others to survive during post Katrina was sentenced to jail, my life has changed. It changes because seeing such a faithful man who was serving the country that gives him opportunities, but also violate his rights show how brave Zeitoun were. One of the other most important lessons I learned in this book is, never point a finger to someone. The moment you point that finger to that particular person, you are giving that person your power to control you. Zeitoun was brave enough to not point a finger to anyone. He just believes he has to serve therefore; he must react to save others’ lives. If every single person took action at the same time as Zeitoun, more people could have been saved and most importantly no accusation toward the government would have occurred. If we claim to call ourselves “WE THE PEOPLE”, then we should look out for each other and make sure social justice exist. In doing so, we as society will benefit from social

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