Yuxweluptun Analysis

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What Yuxweluptun meant by “Its not a pretty picture” the history of the First Nations people the impact of historical traumas: colonialism, racism, genocide, government laws and other issues: environmental [clear cutting, global warming, water pollution and oil industry] facing the First Nations. (L. P. Yuxweluptun Introductory Video) Throughout his career Yuxweluptun has painted the reality of the discourse of the First Nations People within the dominant culture (Watson 881). By using art as a way to start the conversation or addressing difficult issues as well as a way to visually express your opinion Yuxweluptun blends the traditional form line with vivid colors makes it palatable (L. P. Yuxweluptun). Contemporary Northwest Coast artists such as Sonny Assu, Nicholas Galanin and Lyle Wilson use their personal experience, tribal identity and how the dominant culture impact them for inspiration and the means to ground them while expressing themselves through the multitude of art genres.

Yuxweluptun through his art gives his personal opinion of the issue highlighted in his art piece's like Killer Whale Has a Vision and Comes to Talk to Me About Proximological Encroachments of CivilizaJons in the Oceans (2012) “The …show more content…

The Ode to Billy Holm, Lalooska, Duane Pasco and Jonathan Livingstone Seagull the only piece of art I viewed of Lyle Wilson has multiple issues on who and how First Nation people are defined by outsiders for instance the art community defines Northwest Coast Art based on Bill Holm’s book “Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form” and how the Canadian government defines who is, how much “Indian Blood” do you have and what that may or may not entitle to you without consideration of tribal rights, history, and linage .(Bunn-Marcuse, class

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