Youth Sports Injuries

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In my article, Specializing in Youth Sports, Good or Bad, I touched on the current increase in injuries to young competitors playing sports. Just the fact that the sheer number of young athletes participating has gone up over the last several decades, would automatically cause an upswing in the number of young sports enthusiasts having to seek medical attention. There is just an inherent physical risk in competitive sports that cannot be denied.

However, it does appear (even with the greater numbers participating) that the number of young athletes being injured, and the severity of those injuries, is quite large. If my memory serves me correct, I believe there were about 6 out of the 18 soccer players (or 1/3rd of the team) on my oldest daughter’s …show more content…

Athletes are bigger, stronger, quicker, and faster (even the average athlete) than they ever were. This all amounts to more stress on body parts and thus, more risk of injury. This, in addition to the body not getting enough rest and/or time to recuperate, and not spending enough time keeping muscles flexible enough to move through wide ranges of motion, certainly seems to lend itself to increased risk of …show more content…

That is why I strongly encourage any athlete to spend a good deal of time on proprioceptive (unconscious joint & limb awareness) training and preventive-type conditioning. The purpose of these types of exercises is to balance strength levels on all sides of a joint and help the body develop a more keen sense of internal subconscious awareness regarding limb and joint movement. This, coupled with functional sports specific type training, flexibility work, proper rest and diet, can and does help to decrease the risk of sustaining athletic injuries. At least that is what any level of logic would tell us. So, with some effort, thought, and research on your part, or the coach’s/trainer’s part, an athlete can increase strength and flexibility, and prevent injury all at the same time. It is worth the

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