Your Phones Vs Your Heart Barbara Fredrickson Analysis

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Are we losing face to face conversation? Or are we just ignoring and using more of smart phones? In essay "Your Phones vs. Your Heart" by Barbara L. Fredrickson shows many people's are losing opportunity to talk face to face, due to smart phones. she has researched the effects on our bodies when we use smart phones vs. talking face to face. The results of her study seems to indicate that human is more interactive when you share smile and laugh with someone face to face, and our body has more potential to change than most of us realize. However, her essay wasn't very effective for persuade the reader rather than informing the readers. Her uses of scientific terms and explanations made me hard to understand, but her clear thesis, topic, and conclusion of her essay made clear to understand what Fredrickson wanted to talk about in her essay. All over, her ethos (main structure) and logos (scientific terminology) were very strong other than pathos (almost no emotion). Fredrickson essay had strong expert (ethos) knowledge's. Other than her opinion, she uses more of direct question-answer and Fredrickson with her research team that conducted this topic. Her in-depth research of biology, psychology, and anatomy shows her expertise of this topic and her claims of too many …show more content…

Although, she uses at the very end of her essay, but somehow it wasn't rhyme with rest of her sentences. To me, this essay was more like natural tone than any other tone that Frederickson tried to mention in her essay. More or less, this persuasive essay felt more like informative essay and persuading her claims of less uses of smart phones to more face to face talk. Because this essay was more of informative, her word choose of emotional appearing wasn't as strong as logos. All over, Fredrickson tried her best to write persuasive essay, but it turns out more of informative essay with lack of emotional

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