Young Goodman Brown Religion Essay

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Religion played an essential role in both “Young Goodman Brown” and “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings.” The main character, Goodman Brown, in the short story “Young Goodman Brown” started off as a very religious man. For example, when Young Goodman Brown was about to leave his wife for a day, he tells her, “Say thy prayers, dear faith, and go to bed at dusk and no harm will to thee” ( Hawthorne 385). This emphasizes how big of a follower Goodman Brown is of God. Although Goodman Brown begins the story as a religious and a follower of God, his perspective changes as the circumstances of the story change. Goodman Brown enters the wilderness and meets the presumed devil. When this occurs, he loses all of his morals and trust for everyone. For example, Goodman Brown sees his wife’s faith, and shows her very less to little acknowledgement (Hawthorne 392). At the beginning of the story when he was a son of God, he had insane amount of love for Faith, but as the story progressed and Young Goodman Brown’s perspectives changed towards …show more content…

They spot an odd looking old man in their courtyard. This oldman does not speak the same language as them and is very disoriented. They invite a neighbor over to see what it is and believe she believes “ it is an angel” (Rabassa 401). She also believes it may be coming to save them (Rabassa 401). This theory for her neighbor is religion based. Judging from the names and the ethnicity of the characters seem to be from the mexican heritage. Mexicans are predominantly Catholics, so this is where the assumptions are based off of. The word has spread among the city and now people are coming to meet the angel. The angel is staying in Pelayo and Elisenda house. Pelayo and Elisenda exploit the angel for money. This shows the morality they have for their religion. It shows how their desire for more profit outweighs their love and connection with

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