You Don T Need To Quit Your Day Job

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Want To Start Your Own Business Now? You Don't Need To Quit Your Day Job!
By Adam Gleason | Submitted On May 04, 2011

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Expert Author Adam Gleason
Thinking about how to start your own business, but uneasy about leaving your current job too soon? You can do both jobs, if you have a good head on your shoulders!

Don't think that you can start your own business now only if you leave your day job. You don't have to leave …show more content…

Be prepared to face the challenge of basically working two full-time jobs. Doing both will take your full energy, focus, and will need tremendous organizational skills. But it is definitely doable. Here is how to start your own business, while keeping your day job:

First, you must be willing to sacrifice most of your leisure time. Commit to the extra time that you will need to set up your new business and to get it off the ground. And by communicating this requirement to the people in your life, you will gain their understanding and permission to be a bit absent from their lives as well. Setting realistic expectations for your time can take a lot of pressure off you during this critical phase as you start your own business now.

Second, you will need to give yourself a target date for leaving your current job. You won't be able to burn the candle at both ends forever. And, you don't want to always think of your new business as a side business, or your day job as one, as you are bound to get fired for lack of focus. Setting a target date will also help you set a goal for beginning the second phase of your business, when you won't have to balance it with the demands of the old …show more content…

Evaluate your current expenses and needs, and be prepared to cut back so that you can support your business without sacrificing too much. This is when you can work on establishing a target date for leaving your day job. Make the commitment to sacrifice some of the luxuries that you and your family have called necessities for such a long time. Do you really need that timeshare? Can you live without premium cable channels for a while? Can you cut out expensive restaurant dining and order takeout instead? What about future expenses associated with your business? Will you need to invest in new technology or office space? These are the things you should

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