Ymca Camp Creative Writing

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As my eyes squinted open, trying to adjust to the sudden consciousness, light streaming through the windows straight into my eyes. I became aware of the pit in my stomach, threatening to swallow me whole. I rushed out of the cabin in fear of missing breakfast, although a YMCA camp in the middle of the mountains serves food like something I would find at my school cafeteria. I had only three days with these amazing people that I only see once a year and I planned on making every second count. Stepping outside, cold air hit me like a wall and the ‘dark cloud’ surrounding me only grew more opaque by each passing minute, making it hard to see the fading colors of the sunrise over Big Bear lake. I waved away the feeling of dread that was stalking me all morning, put a smile on my face, and went to go join my friends. There were a few grinning faces meeting me in the lodge. Talia and Ariana …show more content…

Breakfast the next morning was unusually quiet. Out of my peripheral vision, I watched the nine year old go around the table whispering in people's ears. After a while, the people in charge of running the camp pulled us outside. They didn’t yell. They didn’t tell us how stupid we were. They didn’t make a huge deal out of it. The adults understood why we acted a certain way, or at least understood that we made an idiotic decision. They explained that we are not bad people, but we are good people that made a bad choice. They explained to us that we need to learn from our mistakes and that it is okay to do something wrong as long as you admit it and try harder next time. When the adults finished addressing the problem, one of the women running the camp walked up to me, looked me straight in they eyes and said: “Trust your instincts, and learn from your mistakes. You have so much potential. I truly believe that you could change the world.” Those 18 words helped me understand that sometimes you need to do what right even when people might look down on

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