Yew Tree Essay

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The Yew Tree, which is known scientifically as Taxus baccata, is an evergreen tree that is native to Europe, Africa and Asia. Known for its unique size, the Yew Tree is commonly used as compliment to smaller sized landscapes that benefit from it’s forever lasting green color. Whether its purpose be to bring shade, screen, or depth to a landscape, the Yew Tree is often preferred over other evergreen trees because it is very easy to maintain and has no problem prospering in overly shaded areas. The tree grows to be between 30 and 60 feet tall and would be classified as a small to medium sized tree.

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Yew Trees can be identified by their soft, needle-like leaves that glisten in the sun. The downside of this aesthetic feature is that the leaves (along with the thin brown bark and even the seeds) are poisonous to not only animals but humans as well. It is important for people to know that the consumption of any of parts of the Yew Tree can have potentially severe side effects. Although the immediate effects of this tree are normally bad, the bark from the Yew is often used to make Toxol, which is a medicine used to treat breast and ovarian cancer. *The making of Toxol is a long process that is not to be done by people at home.

Evidently there are valid reasons for Yew Trees to be propagated. The two methods used to propagate Yew are the cutting/rooting method and the seed method. The more commonly used (and usually easier) method is the propagation by cutting method. Cuttings are taken from an older Yew tree, treated with a growth hormone (which is not mandatory), potted and then placed in either a greenhouse with a mist system or a cold frame. The cutting would eventually begin to root and then down the line it would be transpl...

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...l and summer. Normal watering and fertilization practices can be applied once the tree is in the nursery field. One day, the tree will prosper on it’s own as it brings aesthetics to its surrounding environment.


Yew Trees are a vary commonly propagated tree in the commercial industry. Although propagation by cuttings seems to be the best method, seeds are inexpensive and take up little space. A propagator can obtain many seeds for a small amount of money compared to the higher cost of cuttings. Seed propagation takes years longer than cutting propagation, but the yields are often very parallel between the two. As a homeowner, the propagation by cuttings would be easier yet somewhat difficult because of the lack of equipment. Which method is really better? The best method is propagation by cutting because of the shorter process and lack of time constraint.

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