Yekl In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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TS: Yekl’s arrogant and vulgar personality stems from his blindness to see reality as it really is, his appearance that contradicts his reality, and his past haunting his consciousness. Yelk portrays himself to be a well, put together, confident true Yankee, that gets all of the women easily, and was highly thought of. In reality that is far from the truth. One can clearly see that Yekl’s interaction with women and his desires is far from a Yankee. While Gitl is away with their son, Yosselé, in hopes that Yekl is making a life for their family, he shows signs of dishonesty and adultery. Even when Gitl comes to American, one would think Yekl would immediately stop his affair with the many girls he was having sex with but he does the exact

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