Yazidis Research Paper

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Many Religions is becoming endangered; one of these religions Yezidis. Yezidis is monotheist groups, most of the Yazidis live in Syria, Iraq, and northern Turkey, Armenia and some of them live in other countries. Today their main spoken language is," 'Kurmanji' Northern Kurdish" (Christine Allison, 2002). They have a different believing’s about how life started on earth and how human race started. During time some people started calling them by the other’s name and they were, “…classified among the ‘unbelievers,’ and have been attacked” ("Christian peacemaker teams in Iraq", 2005). Until today the Yezidis have been hurt from others around them and their followers are decreasing, because they are killed. Also, if a member converts to another …show more content…

Some of the reaches suggested Yazidi name comes from the Old Iranian word Yazata which means angel or idol, "while others hold that it derives from the name of the Umayyad" ("The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica", 2015). Yazidi followers say that the meaning of Yazidi is the worship of God that's lost. Yazidis has their own language, which they see as branched from Mesopotamian language family. As a result, many of the historical and geographical factors that affected the heritage of linguistic and intellectual Yezidis, decayed language gradually until it reached a total absence from the community, the languages not spoken today. Secondly, origins of the Yazidis. According to Ghareeb, E., and Dougherty, B. "The sect is an Islamic one descended from supported of the Umayyad caliph Yazid in 686CE" (2004, P.670). They believe that it is a sect of Islam, because Yazidi religion has incorporated some Islamic beliefs with some elements of Zoroastrianism. Thirdly, they have some traditions that it is similar to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, spicily, "Mandaean Gnostic, Jewish, Christian (especially Nestorian), and Muslim (especially Sufi) traditions" (Cherchi, M., Platz, S., & Tuite, K, 1996). For example, Prohibition of some food from Jewish, drinking wine from Christians. While they have of some of the elements, like sacrificing, fasting, and pilgrimage from Islam and they have another …show more content…

First, That earth was created by God along with seven angles, "the leader of which was Tawsi Melek, the Peacock 'King' or Peacock 'Angel"("International order of gnostic Templars", 2009). "According to some Yezidi informants, God is so good that he has no need of worship, whereas the Peacock Angel is so evil as to require constant appeasement" (Badger, & George P. ,1852, p126). This is one reason why the Yazidis worship the Tawsi Melek. Another reason, when the earth was created it started shaking, "Tawsi Melek was then dispatched to earth to stop the planet’s quaking, as well as to endow it with beauty and abundance" ("International order of gnostic Templars", 2009). The Tawsi Melek to Yezidis is an angle that has saved the earth from earthquake and gave it more beautiful than before. After that the Tawsi Melek travels to the Garden of Eden he meets Adam "The first human had been created without a soul, so Tawsi Melek blew the breath of life into him"("International order of gnostic Templars", 2009). Then Eve was created, but according Yazidis before having intercourse the couple had a kind of competition between them who can have independent offspring of the other. Both Adam and Eve their descendants were stored in a closed jar and then it was opened after nine months. Eve opened her jar and found to be full of insects, while inside Adam's jar was a beautiful baby boy and girl. They grew up and married

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