Write An Essay On Andy Rundquist

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A collage of memories built brick by brick. Each one painted carefully over a span of many hours. All that remains is a blank wall. Senior Hannah Kos will never get her chance to take part in the tradition of 30 years. “I was definitely was planning on painting a brick near the end of this year even though I don’t have a class in that room this year,” said Hannah, who had taken HAP in the well-known room the year before. To many upperclassmen including Hannah, painting a brick in room 235 was symbolic of growing up and moving on. It was a unique way to express themselves in an art form and to show their gratitude to their beloved teacher. Recently retired science teacher Andy Rundquist began this tradition in his fifth year of teaching and continued it throughout the rest of his teaching career. …show more content…

While it was his job to teach science, he also taught his students so much more. He taught them life lessons. Rundquist was an example of kindness, empathy, and hard work. “[Rundquist] cared about [his students] and pushed them at the same time,” principal Steve Passinault said. "He was demanding, but the students would do anything for him. His teaching was masterful in every way." He was mentor and role model not only to his students, but the rest of the science department as well. Science teacher Patti Richardson took over Rundquist classes upon retirement. However, she did not move into his room. His room was given to science teacher Kristy Butler and it was in for a makeover. “We decided to paint over the bricks after a meeting with the custodial staff,” Passinault said. “It just seemed like the right thing to do for whatever teacher ended up in that room.” Over the summer, head custodian Homer Spindell was tasked with painting the room. Passinault and the other administers had thought it would be best to give Butler a fresh start. She deserved to feel comfortable in her own room and start her own

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