Write An Essay About Year-Round School

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Have you ever come back to school after your long, refreshing summer break and forgot about those previous academic skills taught the year before? Several months of no exposure to the common core classes have caused you to forget basic lessons. This is something referred to as the “summer slide” and because of it teachers have to spend time reviewing for up to two months when school starts again. The truth of the matter is, year-round schooling is a good technique because it saves teachers time by reducing the amount of time spent reviewing previous school topics and reduces academic strain on teachers and students. The traditional school calendar was first scheduled around crop planting and harvesting season. In short, a long summer break was given to school children so that kids could help their parents on the farm during the seasonal harvest. Of course, during our modern day most school children don’t spend their summers harvesting crops, so why do we still have this out-dated calendar?
First of all, the year-round schedule doesn’t add any more school days than the traditional school calendar, it just distributes vacation time more evenly and frequently. Likewise, if your school ends up adapting year-round schooling, breaks will become shorter but you still get the same amount of days on vacation overall. After summer break, teachers can …show more content…

Naturally, because the year-round schedule shortens some traditionally long breaks, that extra time is put into other breaks that appear more often. One common pattern used in year-round schedules is 45-15, students spend forty-five days in school and take a fifteen day break. In other schools, students may spend sixty days in school to then enjoy twenty days on vacation. Because of frequent breaks students and teachers don’t get burnt out. This also stops teachers from over teaching students, keeping them focused in

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