Write A Persuasive Essay On Snowflakes

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Many have heard the simile comparing humans to snowflakes. Just as no two snowflakes are exactly the same, no two humans have the same appearance and personality; each is unique. This simile can be directly connected to the quote “different, not less”. No one would discriminate against snowflakes due to their different structures and shapes, but humans are attacked daily because of their race, gender, sexuality, or disability. We are all humans who experience the same emotions: love, sadness, anger, hate, happiness. Whether one lives in the ghetto or the suburbs, if they have one parent or two, if they have autism or not- none of these should cause them to be treated as less than anyone else. As previously stated, just as every snowflake has a certain pattern, every person has a different situation. Your …show more content…

Society has a horrible tendency to focus on the parts of people that aren’t “good enough”. Unfortunately, many of us also share this habit. Everyone, including myself, have things they hate about themselves. I’m a chronically shy person, often even among my closest friends. Because of this, I bottle up my emotions, hiding them away in the darkest recesses of my mind. Even when I try to talk, my words never come out quite right; they’re chopped, incomplete, always missing sincerity and grace. Comforting others is one of my biggest weaknesses. I write instead of speaking. When I’m filled with so many words that I can no longer sleep; when I feel empty; when I know I have a point, but can’t quite find it: I write. Locking myself somewhere, I hide for hours, writing so fast that I fear my hand will fall off. I don’t cry, or scream, or yell as my silent fury sullies the pages with black ink. I close my notebook every time, refusing to show anyone my weakest moments, my biggest flaws.

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