Wrist Pain Case Study

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Reason for Visit: Recheck: Right Wrist Pain Vital Signs - B/P:130/86 Temp: 97.1 Pulse: 88 Resp: 18 O2 Sat: 98% S: TM completed 6 ESI visit. TM reports his wrist pain at 0, and at times 1-2/10 at rest; soreness at the right transverse carpal ligament area. TM reports intermittent soreness to right transverse carpal ligament area while working and rates his pain at 3-4/10. Reports sharp shooting pain going up to his mid-forearm at times; 5/10. TM reports some tingling sensation at times in in right pinky and ring finger. Denies his right arm pain interrupts his sleep. TM denies any numbness or loss of movements of right arm, wrist or hand. O:Right arm, wrist, and hand: no edema, discoloration noted, full ROM , tenderness with palpation

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