Worth The Great War Essay

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It is exactly one year since the Great War ended. It was a war in which so much was lost, and less was gained. The horrific memories of the war still haunt us to this day. There are many questions that are raised about the very existence of the Great War. The biggest question that remains is, was the war worth it? The Great War wasn’t worth fighting for three main reasons. The first reason is that it caused the deaths of many people and was the result of the tension between many countries. The second reason is that it heavily damaged the economies of countries, preventing their economic growth. The third and final reason is that it destroyed many homes, towns and cities. The Great War spread hatred and despair throughout the world. The lust for power and the hope of revenge is what caused the Great War. Several countries, in the hope of expanding their territories joined the war, but they forgot that in order for them to succeed, many lives must be sacrificed. There were more than 16.5 million deaths and …show more content…

These were the conditions of many towns and cities of the world during the war. Many towns and cities were destroyed during the war, leaving people homeless. Orphans roamed the streets in the hope of finding their parents. An example of this is the battle of Verdun. During the battle of Verdun between France and Germany, the city of Verdun was completely destroyed. Toxic gases were released in the air, which caused many deaths. The battle of Verdun is known as one of the bloodiest and lengthiest battles in human history. It ran from February–August 1916 and it had more than 700,000 deaths and casualties. “War is a series of catastrophes that results in a victory”, replied Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau, in an interview when asked about his opinion on the Great War. The war that was supposed to be for the development countries ironically became the reason of their

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