World Religion Reflection Paper

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World Religions 110 has been such an amazing class to me. It will be hard to put into words how much I loved taking this class and learning about the different religions. Not only did we learn about religions, but also I feel we also learned about character, compassion, and actualization. Out of all the different topics to discuss, I feel the most important to me are: Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. I would like to start with Hinduism because I feel this religion had the biggest impact on me not only as a student but also as a person. I had always previously been interested in this religion therefore; my drive to understand this religion was stronger in my opinion than it was for most of the other religions we learned. Before taking religions, …show more content…

I think form many this religion is difficult to grasp because of the events done by some people who are/claim to be a part of this religion. Similar to Judaism and Christianity, Islam believes it is the one true religion of god. However, the prophet for this religion is not Jesus, similar to Judaism. The prophet is instead Muhammad who taught from the revelations given to him by Archangel Gabriel. Muhammad even had his own book called the Hadith that explained his life and his choices. This book is not a divine scripture but it looked at for answers if the Qur’an does not provide what a person seeks. Once Muhammad’s new successor came about the people of Islam split into two groups Sunni and Shi’a. Today, this religion is seen as a very violent religion because of terrorist attacks around the world but there are followers out there that live their lives without a single drop of blood on their hands. I think people forget that we should not judge an entire religion based on who claims to be a part of that religion. Even in Christianity people fought and they killed over land for their God. It is not fair to the sincere followers of this religion to be judged. It is unacceptable when a person of this religion comes to the United States, and is treated less than dirt. I myself am not a very religious person but even I have proper moral to respect another person’s

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