World Hunger Research Paper

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World hunger is among the worst and most relevant issues facing the world today. World hunger is defined as the want or scarcity of food in a country. The related term for world hunger is malnutrition or under nutrition. There are two basic types of malnutrition, Protein energy malnutrition and micronutrient deficiency. Protein energy malnutrition occurs when people do not receive enough calories and protein. Protein is essential for basic body functions including development and maintenance of muscles. Protein energy malnutrition is the more lethal form of hunger and is usually the type of malnutrition that is referred to when talking about world hunger. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 795 million …show more content…

As poor people become hungrier, they become weak and sick which makes it more difficult to work making the problem worse than before. In her article, Lindsey Shirley says “Hunger is a global issue pertaining to the right to life, human survival, sustainable communities, and promotion of healthy societies to enhance the quality of life”(Shirley). As stated before, the problem with world hunger is that people cannot afford food and some do not have the same equal opportunities and lifestyle as others. In this article Shirley is talking about how world hunger is an issue that is not simply people starving, instead it is about how everyone has the right to live and that some struggle and fight more for that right. Also Shirley says that when combatting world hunger, giving food to the hungry is not enough. Instead the lives of people that are starving have to be enhanced and their living situations need to be improved as well. So, providing food for people suffering from hunger will solve the problem in the short-term sense but to truly solve the problem of world hunger, their lives must be improved all around. This can be accomplished through steady …show more content…

The main problem with world hunger is not that food is scarce; it is that poverty stricken people do not have the money to pay for food for themselves or their family. Simply, giving away money or food is a short-term solution to a long-term problem because the people suffering from poverty and hunger need a steady income to insure that they can always afford the food they require to survive. The farms provided by the government are an effective way in which those that suffer from hunger can maintain a steady income to pay for

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