Workplace Violence: A Case Of Workplace Violence

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Workplace violence is scary and intense. It doesn’t matter who you are in the situation, the victim, onlooker, or even the committer, it is frightening. When something happens to push an employee over the edge into violent action, many other employees are inadvertently involved. I observed a case of workplace violence many years ago, but I will not forget it anytime soon.
Jerrod, or Stumpy as he was called, was an employee in the machine shop where I was the office manager back in the nineties. I don’t know why the men at work called him that, but I called him Jerrod. He was a pleasant guy with a big beard and always had a smile. He was also quite a bit overweight, but it doesn’t affect a machinist to be heavy. They basically stand in …show more content…

His blood sugar was very low, which caused him to get very cranky, I guess. Apparently diabetes can make you angry, irritable, and anxious. (Hypoglycemia 2015). I didn’t know that, and neither did Jerrod apparently. He was diagnosed by his physician and that made Jerrod feel happy, because he had not been feeling himself for some time. This doesn’t sound like an extreme example of workplace violence, but it could have been much worse. Thank goodness that the loud bang really was just a door, it could have just as easily been a …show more content…

Downplaying bullying, saying things like “He was just joking around”, and “Don’t take things so seriously” can have serious repercussions. Some people are more fragile than others and react to this type of treatment with anger or violence. On the other hand, there are managers who rule with an iron hand and sometimes this pressure can cause an employee to crack.
Those employees who were fired without a second thought, who now come back and destroy something or shoot someone, some of that may be unpredictable but some of them were ticking time bombs. Who hasn’t heard of these situations on the news and hear the neighbor saying, I always thought they would crack someday. Some of these situations are preventable. Treating people with respect so resentment doesn’t build up; or working with an employee instead of terminating, using EAP to get through a rough patch, this is what the company should be

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