Workplace Issues In The Workplace

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Workplace issues are the issues concerned with employee behaviour, employee appointment and termination, employee development, and the working environment or conditions, which result in the overall performance, stability, and culture of an organization (“Workplace &Labor Issues,” n.d.). Most of people spend nearly one-third of their adult lives at work, which causes workplace issues to become common source of stress for many. It is impossible that everyone have perfect roles, expectations, and personalities, without conflict occur. Therefore, certain workplace issues may cause negative psychological symptoms. For example, associated with a higher prevalence of mental health issues such as depression and anxiety, this will cause stress in the workplace. Besides, common workplace issues that employees usually will face are interpersonal conflict, communication problems, gossip, bullying, harassment, discrimination, low motivation and job satisfaction, performance issues, poor job fit, and so on …show more content…

According to an investigation by the Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, cancer- and especially leukemia causing substances like benzene, formaldehyde, arsenic and radioactive material have been found at the production lines. Samsung maintains that these substances are not used for production. Nevertheless, the company is accused of having a massive imbalance between profits and responsibility, particularly in terms of workplace safety and health issues. Samsung still denies any correlation between the cases of cancer and their working conditions (“Samsung Electronics: Violations of labour rights”, n.d.). Workplace safety is policies and procedures in place to ensure the safety and health of employees within a workplace. Involve hazard identification and control according to government standards and ongoing safety training and education for employees (“workplace safety”,

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