Working And Going To College Essay

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Working two jobs and going to college all at the same time can be a struggle. College is place to become independent, responsible, and to figure out what you want to do in life. The same goes for Michael Turone. He described college “Fun, but hard at the same time.” Graduate at the College of DuPage with an Associate's Degree, he now does what he likes to do for a living. Some people may think that college is easy and it only further education but this was not the case for Michael.
“College was fun” he explains. “I got to take a lot of classes that I wanted to do and I met a lot of new people in those classes.” Michael took most of the mandatory classes like English, Math etc. but he also took fun job career classes too. He took classes such …show more content…

He was working two jobs and going to college all at the same time. He said “Working two jobs made my grades suffer but I had to do what I had to do to pay the bills that I had. Not getting enough sleep was the big reason my grades suffered. I was up for thirty-six hours straight once. Working and going to college caused me to have very little free time.” You would think that working his two jobs and going to college would cause him to slack off but that was not the case. Michael was a hard worker getting work done, studying, etc. He explained that “I just didn't work hard in school. I work hard in life too. I try to give everything my one hundred percent. It was something my dad taught me to do and it's just the way I am.”
The payoff of hard working was well though. College was a big part of Michael’s life. It put him on the path of where he is today with his current job as a plumber. Michael explains how “It’s never a bad thing to learn more. Even only having an Associate's Degree is beneficial to put on job applications and resumes. Going to college is very beneficial in life. Michael recommends continued education to everyone whether it be a college or an institute. Continuing your education can benefit you in life and guide you on a career path for your

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