Wonder Kindness Analysis

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In both novels we explore true power and power, with the true power it’s when someone gains power through earning it or acquiring it that doesn't hurt or limit the power of others, with a power it is the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others. Wonder has written by R.J Palacio, the wonder is about a young boy called August "Auggie" Pullman is a 10-year-old living in the fictional neighborhood of North River Heights in upper Manhattan. He has a rare medical facial deformity, which he refers to as "mandibulofacial dysostosis", more commonly known as Treacher Collins syndrome.

The power of Kindness, throughout the novel Wonder kindness, is revealed through a lovely girl named Summer who is kind and caring she becomes …show more content…

I wish people would stop turning this into something major”, If you can get through middle school without hurting anyone’s feelings that’s really cool beans”. he reveals to us that Summer doesn't care what August looks like, and she knows that she will be socially excluded but still cares and keeps her head up high and ignores the hatters.It’s very important that we realize that no matter what someone looks like or where they're from, they are still human and are not different from us so much, and we should stop being mean and selfish towards others just because they're different. We can see that the theme Kindness is very important throughout the book and that it’s important for others to see August as a normal human being.

Social Power, in the Hunger Games it reveals’s true power within giving us example’s of how Katniss Everdeen convince the people to rebel towards snow and his army, yet when she won the games she shows us that when she …show more content…

In Hunger Games, the true power is shown through how Katniss retaliates towards the capital and keeps headstrong as they push her to the limits. The composers in these two novels reveal that true power within is explored through characters who have had a rough and tough life, and they both eventually pull through and become four-times stronger than

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