Women's suppression in india

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Home, a place to relax and unwind from the day, is where women in this society have the most stress. They are constantly judged with high expectations from their family.
According to Armit Dhillon, a journalist, the ideal woman is known to be obedient, sacrificing, dutiful, and compliant.
India, being a patriarchal region, allows men to play a major influence on women’s house lives. The husband is notorious for creating a persona for his wife. She does not have the freedom to be herself in her own home.
In the past, women in India were known to fast for the welfare of their spouse, give up rice in order to please the gods to bring food fortune to their husband, never demand anything of their husband, and keep their collection of saris limited.
Women’s role in the household was to please their husband.
Women sacrifice their lives in order to support and bring success to their husband. Women have been selfless and caring in order to insure they are doing the best for their husband’s success.
The Laws of Manu are referred to as the most important scripture to follow faithfully in the Hindu religion. The Laws of Manu declare: “In childhood, a female must be subject to her father, in youth her husband, and when her lord is dead, to her sons; a woman must never be independent.”
This scripture has set a tradition for women in the Indian culture. This exemplifies how women are reputed to always be at the assistance of their closest male kin and how women should always be under the control of a male relative.
Women’s suppression in their homes has created an inequality in society. Women in India are unable to create their own character in the community because their husband controls their behavior and establishes high expectations to be m...

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