Women's Suffrage Movement Research Paper

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Women's suffrage in 2017 has changed in many ways compared to women's suffrage during the 20th century. During that time, black and white women protested separately even though they were both fighting for the same political rights. The whites realized that if women gained the right to vote, that would increase the power of black people to vote, which is something they did not want. To avert these efforts, they placed restrictions on the blacks who could vote, making sure they were literate and had an education. In today's society, women of all races and ethnicities band together to fight for their rights of equality. We have the right to vote and exercise our other rights freely. The main difference between the Women's Suffrage movement and …show more content…

Then, there was white John, the Judge's son, who grew up with the privilege, he didn't have to work for nothing and gained access to many opportunities.
How many years did it take for John to return? It took seven years for John to return home.
What happened at the end? At the end of the story John Jones school is shut down because is is teaching the students the real truth about racial heirachy and the injustice of blacks. To make matters worse, black John kills white John for sexually assaulting his sister, Jennie. Black John, John Jones, tells his mother that he's running away to be free. Consequently, John Jones ends up paying for his own crime and is lynched for murdering the Judge's son.
Pg. 185 – “We Wear the Mask”
Analyze the Poem. The poem describes how we cover up our true feelings and emotions in order to get by. No one will ever know the great deal of pain and torture experienced and that burdens our hurts each day. We wear the mask to keep from being asked the question "what's wrong?" We wear the mask to keep others out of our business. We wear the mask to even fool ourselves into thinking that everything's okay, especially when it's at its

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