Women's Roles In The Military

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The dominant presence of women in the military throughout US history has paved the way for several opportunities for the women of today. From the Revolutionary War to the present day War on Terror, women from all walks of life have been laying their lives on the line to defend their beloved families and country. Throughout the Revolutionary War, women served the U.S. Army in a more traditional manner, such as seamstresses, cooks, and nurses. Today, however, the role of females in combat has changed drastically. Without the brave pioneers before us, women may not have many of the opportunities they are accustomed to today. For instance, the service of these brave women from the Revolutionary War to the conclusion of WWI helped to propel the passage of the 19th Amendment, June 4, 1919, granting women the right to vote. (Women, 2018) “During the …show more content…

Again, many women disguised themselves as men in order to serve in the Army. By binding their breasts and padding the waist of their trousers, these women were able to pass through recruiting stations in order to serve their country. Dr. Mary Edwards Walker was recorded as the first female surgeon in the United States and 1863 was the first female surgeon in the US Army. Due to her work as a US Army surgeon, she was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor in 1865. Unfortunately, this honor was revoked in 1917 by the US Congress, as it was for many who did not fight directly on the front lines. Dr. Walker refused to return the medal and took it to her grave. President Jimmy Carter reinstated this honor in 1977 and Dr. Walker remains the only female in history to have received the Congressional Medal of Honor. (The History, 2009) “Women were forced to adapt to the vast social changes affecting the nation.” It is because of their ability to willingly adapt to these new roles, which helped shape the United States. (Women,

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