Women’s Role in Corrections: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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Crime is an ongoing problem that has been evolving for many years. From incarceration to working in correctional facilities, women obtain unique characteristics in corrections. This paper gives an account of the good, the bad, and the ugly aspects of the past accounts of women in corrections. The good addresses the struggles and obstacles women have overcome to gain equal access in corrections. The bad involves the harassment and negative aspects women were subjected to endure in a correctional setting, and negative situations from male offender and coworkers. The ugly gives a description of the sexual abuse and involvement between female correctional officers and male offenders in custody. This research paper will provide insight to women’s role in the correctional field; and will propose the use of rehabilitation programs and workshops for women correctional officers will provide adequate workers in correctional institutes. The Good – Establishing a Place in Corrections During the eighteenth century, most punishments took place within the community. Incarceration was not as popular as it is in today’s society. Women offenders were punished by male figures instead of going through the court system; usually by their fathers, husbands, guardians, or employers. Because men were recognized as the head of their house holds, they were expected to chastise anyone under their authority (wives, children, servants, or apprentices (Smith, 2012, p. 1695). In the correctional setting, history shows it was customary for women to assume occupational positions involving administration and clerical job duties; especially when working in a gender segregated facility. Mary Weed was the first woman to run a correctional facility in the United States... ... middle of paper ... ...rnal Of Criminal Justice, 3(2), 86. Finney, C., Stergiopoulos, E., Hensel, J., Bonato, S., & Dewa, C. S. (2013). Organizational stressors associated with job stress and burnout in correctional officers: a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 13(1), 1- 13. doi:10.1186/1471- 2458-13-82 Lambert, E. G., Paoline III, E. A., Hogan, N. L., & Baker, D. N. (2007). Gender Similarities and Differences in Correctional Staff Work Attitudes and Perceptions of the Work Environment. Western Criminology Review, 8(1), 16. Matthews, C. (2010). Promotional Opportunities: How Women in Corrections Perceive their Chances for Advancement at Work. Gender Issues, 27(1/2), 53. doi:10.1007/s12147-010-9089-5 Smith, B. V. (2012). Uncomfortable Places, Close Spaces: Female Correctional Workers' Sexual Interactions with Men and Boys in Custody. UCLA Law Review, 59(6), 1690-1745.

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