Women's Role In Ww2 Propaganda

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The Power of the Propaganda
In the times of darkness where women used to be worthy enough just to take care of the housework, kids, and husband; accordingly, women were categorized as housewives while men were the ones who work for the livelihood. It is important to highlight the women role in World War II because besides the war, deaths, ambition and misfortune; women during the World War II where for first time in the history; women were valued and they free themselves from the stereotype role they had. The time of labor inequality in the World War II between women and men was staring to break down; however, women were still stigmatized to just be able to work in jobs such as nurse and the textile industry. The timing of the initial advance …show more content…

agency created 1942 during World War II to consolidate government information services. The OWI absorbed the functions of the office of Facts and Figures, the office of Government Reports, the division of evidence of the office for Emergency Management, and the foreign material service of the coordinator of information. The office established under Robert E. Sherwood, which launched a huge information and propaganda campaign abroad. Congressional opposition to the domestic operations of the OWI resulted in increasingly curtailed funds, and by 1944 the OWI operated mostly in the foreign field, contributing to undermining enemy morale. The agency was abolished in 1945, and its foreign functions were transferred to the Department of State. (Office of War Information). One of the propagandas The Office of War Information used to attract women to the labor force in industries and factories was “Now I can buy the things I love! Here's my passport to independence” “created between the years 1941 and 1945. The poster’s type is designed with a photograph and graphic materials” (National Archive Catalog). The propaganda poster uses a neutral black and blue-gray colors that made an appearance of seriousness; showing as a main image a woman with a face of satisfaction using her hair up, handing a paper in the right hand that has written paid check; the woman also has a callout with the …show more content…

Working was the strategic to acquire the money, which according to the poster is the main key to achieve an independence. The message in the poster “Now I can buy the things I love” expose the dependency of women in the poster’s time; even though the time of slavery was done by the nineteenth forty’s women were economically slaves of their husband and the stereotypes of the society. To illustrate, women could not buy nothing unless their husband gives them money to do it. That it is why, the poster is so relevant and significant to women because it opens a pass to walk into the independence and change the typical role of the women. The poster gives a clear message of now women can buy or do the things they love for their own merit and money, also the poster indicated a solution for the dependency of the women. The woman in the poster has the answer in her hand, a paycheck is the passport to the independence, but also is the passport to the government to cover the hole in the industries and factories had it, for the cause of the decrease of human resources. During the war men were required to go to the war and fight for their country; however, this brought as a consequence a lack of people to work, then women were the best alternative to cover the hole of lack of workers. Society realized than women could do more than be a housewife and women had the poster as a

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