Women: The Oppression Of Women

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When our society thinks of models, we think of the skinny and fit girls with nice breast or big butts or maybe even both. Today in society, this is what is supposed to be “beauty”. To be clear, these women are beautiful, but this is not what all women look like. Why is that? Well, many women have their own features and have their own natural beauty look. What a lot of people (men especially) define beauty as the women with big breasts, skinny, blue eyes, etc. Not all women look like this though… and if someone truly believes this is what beauty is and should look like, then they have been living under a rock. All women are beautiful, but men want their fantasy girls to look like what I described above. I will be sourcing an article from Sex …show more content…

What I mean by “superior”, I mean that men have always had a say in what happens and men have always had power. If one picks up a history book, they will see in a chapter how women were not able to vote until the early 1900’s. According to the History Channel, “Ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted American women the right to vote—a right known as woman suffrage” (History.com staff). It took women so long to be able to finally vote and I find that ridiculous. Men have always felt as if women were not smart and bright enough as them. Men used to tell women what to wear and what to do and how to act, especially their wives. Men are the ones that have labeled the skinny, blue eyes, big breasted women as beautiful and how women should look. Unfortunately, this is very sad to see that even today, people believe this is true beauty. In the article, Dove’s “Real Beauty” Backlash, Pozner states that columnist Richard Roeper reacts to Dove’s commercial saying, “I find these Dove ads a little unsettling. If I want to see plump gals baring too much skin, I’ll go to Taste of Chicago, OK?” (Quoted in Pozner 195). Pozner and many other people were really upset to read such a harsh statement about “plump” girls. Statements like these is what makes women feel insecure to love themselves and show their body off to the world. These judgmental people are what can cause women to suffer from Anorexia …show more content…

The campaign uses a plumper woman in their ad showing that women do not need to be skinny to be beautiful. For many years beauty was defined as a woman that is skinny, white, big breast, etc. Typically, these women are just a man’s fantasies in what they want their women to look like. Which is fine because everyone has their own fantasy and their own definition of beauty, but to enforce this definition of beauty is wrong. It could be a type of bullying because they are saying plumper woman are not beautiful. Also, saying that plumper woman cannot show as much skin and should cover up. This what makes women feel insecure and have problems for the rest of their life. Big name brands have started to use a more variety of woman to advertise their products. These ads are secretly supposed to be statements that a woman can look many ways and still look beautiful. I believe more people need to get behind this type of thinking and start helping more people feel more secure instead of judging them. Judging people does not get anyone anywhere in life. It will cause many people to hate themselves because they are not pleasing someone’s opinions. If a man believes a woman is too fat and tells that too her face, what would happen to the women? The woman is going to feel insecure about her body weight and get depressed. She can even end up getting sick which

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