Women In Voltaire's Cunegonde

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Women have always been large part life. In fact, they are the ones that keep it going which is why some argue that women should be greatly respected. This idea has been around since the beginning of time, but unfortunately they have been treated the exact opposite and it was not up to the 1850’s that women got their rights. Before this time they were used as tools and had no say in anything important. It did not matter if they were smart or not nor did it matter if they beautiful or ugly, they were always lower than men. Voltaire uses Cunegonde, the old woman, and Paquette to show their mistreatment and the mistreatment of all women. They were raped and abused regardless of their wealth or political stance. These characters are not very complex …show more content…

As, she relies on men completely and requires someone to come or attempt to save her. She lives by the stereotype and obeys whoever she belongs to at the time. She accepts her position in society better than Candide. She knows that she is a woman in the 18th century and has few options if she wants to survive. She does not ask any questions or make any philosophies, as the men in the story do. Her acceptance of her sexual slavery shows her beliefs and understandings of the few options she has. In the 1800’s women essentially had two options for a “good” life; marry a wealthy man; become a mistress of a powerful man and sometimes both. Cunegonde gets the option to differ from the stereotype, but she chooses not to. She had to decide between being faithful to her love; Candide, or a life with the governor. The Governor guaranteed her a “comfortable” life, but she will be sexually exploited and will have to follow his orders. To add on to this the old woman, her companion. Another woman accustomed to the stereotype, said: “You have it in your power to be the wife of the greatest nobleman in South America, who has a splendid mustache. Are you in the position in which you can flaunt the luxury of unflinching loyalty? You were raped by the Bulgars; a Jew and an Inquisitor have enjoyed your favors. Misfortunes bestow certain rights. I confess that were I in your …show more content…

Which is caused by the narrator having a male perspective. The narrator does not give the women and credit or redeeming qualities. All the women follow a general stereotype. If they tried to break away from the stereotype, they would me more important and influential characters. Paquette, a chambermaid in the Baron’s castle, is described as “a pretty and obedient brunette” (5). She is identified obedient not because of her job as a chambermaid, but because she is willing to exploit her soul and body to the men around the castle. In regards to the old woman, she doesn’t even have an actual name, which does not matter since is ugly and useless. The old woman has the mindset that she is; an object; a mistake; a disgrace. That her time has passed as a beautiful useful woman. All the rape and abuse has physically affected her and she is out of luck. In fact, she is lucky if men talk to her, or even look at her without

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