Women In The 1920's

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It is well known that the years of 1920-1929 following the first World War have been referred to as the “Roaring Twenties”. I believe that the term “Roaring” has been associated with these years because they were years of great progression for Canada. When the name for this era is used, people often envision a time in which things began to look better for the Canadian society. With the war finally over, newly gained independence, the uprise of technology, and a mostly prosperous economy, these years were seen as years of optimism for Canada. Women in Canada were given rights, they finally began to be treated like equals, and women all over began breaking the typical customary view of women's roles in society. So were the 1920’s really roaring? …show more content…

Finally, they began to be seen as equals within society. Women began to redefine their own roles during the 1920’s, this can be seen vividly through the rebellious women referred to as Flapper Girls. The term Flapper was used to describe a young bold female individual who dressed and acted unconventionally. These women tried to change society's traditional view of women. Born in the Russian Empire, Bobbie Rosenfeld was a Canadian athlete that excelled at a variety of different sports. At the Summer Olympics 1928 held in Amsterdam, Bobbie became the first woman to win a gold medal for Canada. She became known as the best Canadian athlete of the half-century, and gained other recognition for several years after. Bobbie Rosenfeld, along with many other women through their triumph influenced changes on how society viewed Canadian women. All over Canada women began to prove that they could do more that their typical stay at home roles. They were able to demonstrate, that like any man, they too are able to find success within a …show more content…

Times began to change, along with Canada’s economy and positive progress was made. The U.S began to invest in our resources and purchase our products, for example 75% of paper made in Canada went to the U.S. The States also set up factories in Canada that provided employment opportunities for several Canadians and a chance of income. Along with the U.S investment, there were also several technological advances that occurred during the 1920’s. Mobility had been increased through the innovations of the automobiles and airplanes, and by the late 1920’s 50% of Canadian homes had a car. Communication became improved with the telephone becoming more widespread and the radio, which allowed the entire country to be connected with national news. Finally, a new culture began to arise through art, sports, and a new invention called moving pictures. The 1920’s were truly a time of progress, that improved the lives of Canadians all over Canada. This time of progression of investment, inventions, and innovations has influenced the way that Canadians continue to live their lives

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