Women Barrel Racing Essay

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Women have grown quite a bit in society. They have also grown in rodeo. Women have made their mark and have forced men to let them compete in a mainly men sport. The events in rodeo used to just be a game that ranch boys would play when they were bored. Eventually it turned into an actual sport. The cowboys were able to use their roping and riding skills for fun and sometimes to make money. The cattle drive was very important in the 19th century so many of the young men and women were used to working around horses and cattle. Although at first rodeo was a only male sport. Many women were able to fight their way in and prove their worth in the competition. They were able to show that they were just as strong as the boys. Some women were …show more content…

In this competition the rider and the riders horse run around three barrels in a cloverleaf pattern to see which participant crosses the finish line with the fastest time. Women barrel racing started in 1931 at the Stamford Texas Cowboy Reunion when the committee decided to allow girls sixteen years or older to participate. The only thing they were allowed to participate in was the parade. By doing this they could come to the social event at the end of each day. The following year the girls were judged on best mount, most attractive riding outfit, and best horsemanship. The horsemanship was judged by having the girls ride a figure eight around barrels. This was the original barrel race pattern but in 1935 the committee changed the design to the cloverleaf form that is used today. In 1948, women got together and formed the groundwork for the WPRA, Women’s Professional Rodeo Association. It was originally called the GRA, Girl’s Rodeo Association and had 74 members. In 1981 the name was changed to WPRA and allows women to perform in various events at a rodeo. Several events are judged events and some are timed. Barrel racing is one of many timed events but it didn’t become a timed event until 1949. Out of all the rodeo events that women participate in, the most popular remains to be barrel …show more content…

They must build a trust with each other. The horse must trust that the rider will keep the horse safe and lead him or her where they are suppose to go. The rider must trust that the horse will listen to what he or she is telling them to do and that they will work their hardest every time they race. Some believe that as soon as the rider steps on a horse that the rider will be ready to compete and win. This is not the case. The rider and the riders horse have to spend many years of hard work each and every day to understand what is expected and how to work together. This bond is like making a new friend. In making a new friend you start out asking each other questions to get to know each other and soon you learn what each one likes and does not like. Horse training is very similar to this. Horses can not speak to the rider in the same way as a friend but they will tell the rider with their actions what they like and don’t like. It takes time and lots of practices to become good at barrel racing that is successful for both the rider and the riders horse. The rider has to become physically fit, build up endurance, work with the horse on turns, helping the horse to become obedient through repetition and so much more. To be ready to compete in barrel racing it takes a lot of dedication and practice not only on the day of the race but every day with many

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