Wolf Pack Prey Case Study

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During the night of April 19, 1989 a young woman was brutally raped and beaten while she went for a jog in Central Park. The rapist left her for dead lying in her own pool of blood. When she was found by a near Officer. The Central Parker Jogger went into a coma due to her severe injuries and was place on life support once she arrived to the hospital. Within a few hours after the crime six black and latino teenagers between the ages of 14-16 were picked up and questioned about their where about during the attack. The next day everyone found out about the horrifying news through the press the city went into an outrage and wanted justice for the victim. The city became divided between the whites and blacks and latinos communities.
Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Raymond Santana, Yusef Salaam, and Kharey Wise were being prosecuted as adults for the harsh crime they did. During the on going investigation the victim’s name was never released to the public. She was considered the Central Parker Jogger. Meanwhile, the names of the accused already have been released and officially labeled as animals or as the New York Post called them “Wolf Pack Prey”. After two week the victim wakes up from her coma with no memory of what happen that night. As the trials were beginning detectives …show more content…

In this specific case the media never bothered, and just jumped to conclusion. From the moment the Jogger was found in Central Park to the moment the five teens were convicted they already made those teens guilty of gang rape. The media made these kids look like savage animals. If the media would of question how the detectives got those false confessions? Analyzed the interview recordings. As well as look at the evidence found in the crime scene. They would of realized those teens couldn’t have been involved with crime. The investigators would have no choice but to continue to look for the actual

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