Wolf Of Wall Street Ethics Essay

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Wolf of Wall Street Ethics
The film Wolf of Wall Street follows a young and eager stockbroker from New York who seeks to make a fortune working in the stock market. Based on a true story, the film follows the vibrant Jordan Belfort after he is fired from his job and begins a career selling worthless penny stocks. Soon after, he starts a new company with his longtime friend Donnie Azoff which goes by the name Stratton Oakmont, a fancy name meant to appeal to potential investors. Early on, he is taught by a season wall street veteran that the only work of a stock broker is to make money for himself. With this in mind and fueled by his driving need to succeed, he creates a Wall Street empire that generates millions of dollars for him in a relatively short period of time. However, this comes at the cost of fraudulent business, the IRS on his watch and the destruction of many personal relationships. In the film, Belfort and his partner Donnie engage in securities fraud where they essentially sell to client’s stock that they know is …show more content…

If the theory of utilitarianism is to be taken literally, some situations would have morally ambiguous outcomes that are nonetheless ethical. In the film, it is almost impossible to pinpoint a situation that displayed a utilitarian approach, however; the downfall of the entire Stratton Oakmont Empire despite bringing thousands of careers to a stop prevented the loss of more money to countless more unsuspecting investors. Notably, after his incarceration, the protagonist embarks on a reconstructive path in educating others about ethical business based on the power of authentic marketing. In this regard, utilitarianism is a useful concept, but may often be inapplicable in business context due to its overly simplistic

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